Step By Step

The logic of choices women make…
Molded by Our Beliefs

George Floyd’s tragic killing was a reminder …
Generational Change for Women – A Tribute to my Mom

The recent passing away of my 91-year-old mother helped me realize how well she had prepared her three daughters for the professional world. All three of her granddaughters are also successful and ambitious professionals — unafraid of challenges and believing in the importance of relationships and family values. Their granny was a stay-at-home mother and […]
For Extraordinary Results Look Further Ahead Of ‘You’

When learning to drive on a highway at highs-speeds — a complex information-processing task — we are told to look far ahead and not at the road close to the hood. I remembered this on my recent vacation in Australia, where I had to drive up misty hills on the left side of the. […]
When Women Think Of Women ‘The Change’ Happens

Americans people are now replacing “the alleged victim” with “we believe the woman.” Thanks to the two female journalists, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey of New York Times who credibly brought out the stories of women whom Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted. What once was considered boys being boys, is no longer ignored by corporate boards, management, […]