America in Need of Purpose

Hyper-intentions are not enough to solve personal, political, and intellectual malaise of the country. We need National Identity.
Get America Well Again

Our virtues and our DNA…
Opportunity and Advancement of Women – A Forward March

They can be the vanguard of social and economic change…
Marching Forward And Moving Upwards

It is something we can and must do when external and social pressures seem to derail us.
2020 US Presidential Elections — Upholding The Democracy

Our choices will also entail the compromises that we are willing to make
Assimilating In America – A View From Silicon Valley

It starts happening when going to cocktail-parties gets easier. It is when the guards go down and the conversations just flow.
Immigration Issue – In Need of Leadership

Perhaps the learnings of the European Union and the Marshall Plan can help.
Why Screw It Up: Keep Democracy and Capitalism Alive

The interplay between Democracy and Capitalism is the strength of America.
Great Re-Immersion in India

In India, religions are omnipresent but occasionally clash. Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed by a Hindu because he preached tolerance towards Muslims as Hindu-Muslim riots erupted
Only in America

We have much to be thankful for as we have jointly worked hard for the greater good of humanity through our discontentments and debates.