To Retain Risk Taking Well Into Adulthood — Adopt A Teenager Mindset

Risk aversion starts setting in after we turn forty and beyond. Conversing over dinner with a fellow board member, Mike, we both surprised each other when we agreed that as we grow older we need to take more risks, and not fewer. When our obligations are over — kids have graduated from college, perhaps when we could start […]

For Extraordinary Results Look Further Ahead Of ‘You’

When learning to drive on a highway at highs-speeds — a complex information-processing task — we are told to look far ahead and not at the road close to the hood.   I remembered this on my recent vacation in Australia, where I had to drive up misty hills on the left side of the.  […]

Connecting With OurSelves

Connecting and networking have become buzzwords in business circles.  Business schools aggressively promote them. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are great ways to connect with business associates and friends, but are we spending too much time on connecting with other people and too little connecting with our own inner selves?   Connecting with  ourselves requires introspection. […]

How To Accelerate Learning by Deliberate Reading:

Through reading books or reading on the web, we immerse ourselves in another world. We are incredibly fortunate how easily valuable information is available and accessible and most of it for free. Effective reading is best done if we give a little structure to how we read.  As children we are encouraged to read. Today […]

How I “STEAMed” Ahead In Silicon Valley

Start-ups of Silicon Valley have been the engine of new economy for the past 50 years. Technical innovations have made computers, the Internet and cell phones possible and affordable. Behind every start-up is an idea and backing every idea is entrepreneur’s belief.

Is Starting Your Own Company Your Cup of Tea?

Are entrepreneurs born or raised? Should I start my own company or try to make headway in the one I am in? These are questions we face when things are not going the way we would like, which happens more often than we want to admit. At first blush we may think that entrepreneurs are […]

After College Graduation, What? Cultivating How to ‘Think-Beyond’

After providing the basic foundation, universities launch us in the real world with an inspiring keynote address at the commencement. In the life stories of the speakers, one common theme weaves, ‘cultivate the ability to think beyond to find your own path’. Thinking beyond means thinking beyond the obvious, beyond the traditions, beyond conventional wisdom. It means picking up a mirror and looking inside YOU.